Thanks for the screenshots.
The first part of the rendering (global illumination) is done only by one client, then each client renders a square from the image.
To see the rendering progress in the preview on the right side of the window, you need to select the view being calculated on the left side (the way it is in your first screenshot).
But I admit there is something wrong in the second screen shot: the view has an orange dot, but there is no client with an orange dot…
I think you should install the update, because we fixed a communication bug between the client and its renderer which might be your problem.
If you still have the problem, open a ticket (abvent.net/support/) and provide the file you are trying to render, if possible, and the Clients and Render Manager logs.
Ok, I will install again
By the way, the process I´ve sent you with the screens shots, didn’t´t work. I mean, Render Manager and Client, they closed themselves, without doing any render.
Anyway, I will install the update and after that, I will let you know what happens.
Can you set the Render Manager to automatically open the Local Render Client? It’s kind of crazy that you have to open both just to render on your machine.
Can you have a « local batch render » setup so that those of us working on one machine don’t have go through the annoying (and space-hogging) task of re-saving as an ATLA every single time we want to render more than one image? I love the network rendering for sure (I have 20 clients installed at the office), but this is a major step backwards for those of us on one machine (my home setup). My first overnight setup didn’t make it past the first rendering (why, I don’t know), and this NEVER happened with the old batch rendering setup. One way to do it: bring up a dialog that says « Note that you must save your file as an ATLA in order to use network rendering nodes » and then provide the option to « Do not show this message again » - that should make everyone happy and keep things pretty clear!
Can you guys PLEASE make documents out of this? I watched the video and it’s excellent - but not many people have an hour to kill, especially at work. If you put together a summary as a PDF and included it with the software (and made a forum post about it, or kept a Blog where you could make a post about it) I think a LOT of users would benefit from it!
I like the ‹ swag › feeling of having a render farm in my own house but so far as I can tell having 7 computers on the task is no quicker than having 1 computer on the task. Each added computer seems to slow things proportional to the render time so no matter what I do renders always take 35 minutes regardless of one computer or 7 computers, to my eye the images are no better for all that horse power.
I understand the lighting in 6 is more ‹ real › but you have to work really really hard to make the lighting work and its really disappointing after waiting for those renders to land up with grainy textures even when set to high quality.
If you are rendering a small living room, it can look great but for my purposes I am rendering very large indoor spaces, school halls etc. Artlantis just falls down here, I cannot get enough light going, object lights have to have lumins in the ‹ sun brightness range › and I still need to have ISO way high etc leading to grainy images.
I want to love it, I think all in all I would like this render farm stuff with artlantis 5 engine, the new engine just needs too much of my time to make look good. I can seem glimpses of how the light is better, but its so hard making lights work. What building in the world need 15 lights at 10000 lumens just to see inside?
multiple selection in clients view. To long to (un)select with many nodes
reordering jobs
node participation % to learn how to use network CPUs
% or step or time to render a scene, even if we all know that it will never be correct
for illumination (step 1) we need to be able to choose the best node if we know it. Or, Render Manager need to learn network performance. Or we need to teach him with nodes priority. For each render we made, RM was not able to pick the right computer (with few CPU power).
notification system: email, ftp upload, cloud upload, etc.
RM priority: start it in idle mode, not normal
Renderer.exe priority: start it in idle, not normal. A node have to be able to work for its user during a rendering. Like every projects in BOINC for example.
RM interface: with a lot of nodes, a scrollbar appears, even in list view. It could be better
yes / no buttons are switched, from a windows user ^^
RAM: nodes can’t stay with job in memory after 48h of inactivity. The user on the node have to be able to work.
Render Manager: on a Xeon E5 2687W v3 RM use 40% of CPU in idle mode. During rendering: 30%. Why? Because this impact the rendering on the RM computer…
Ok. I « know » why: for each node RM find, RM use 2 thread! But for what? There is no communication with nodes.
in render view, multiple selection is available in list mode, not thumbs.
We are available to help or share our work.
RM is really useful: 1h rendering on the Xeon E5 2687w V3 took 11 min with 11 nodes (fastest i5 (x4) and i7 (x2), Xeon E5 1650 v3 (x2), E5 2687W v3 (x1) and others)
i’m having a problem with my render manager.
when i start the render in render manager, it never starts. And 1 minute later its says an error occurred.
i dont know what to do. i always used the bath render and i never had any problems.
Could you please, attach the Render Manager and Client log files to this post.
Use the Menu item « Information/Log files » to open the log folder.
You can zip the folder and attach it to this post.
I think the problem might come from the fact that your user name is « Ás Duas Por », which contains spaces and a accentuated character.
Could you try to create an account on your machine with a user name without space and accent.
According to the logs you attached it seems you are still running Artlantis and Render Manager under your old account.
After creating the new account did you restart your computer and log onto this new user account ?
Also quit the session under your old account.
start the Client, start the Render Manager and send me the logs if you still have the problem.