Render Manager

Looks nicer than the Batch-Renderer of v6, but beside the Client-thing it’s NOT better.
Why can’t I change the order any more?
Where’s the percentage-status gone?
When there are little problems according to the stability of the WLAN and a second computer might be disconnected for just milliseconds the whole rendering stops! That’s bad!

Hi there!

You still can change the order in the batch-menue in ARTLANTIS 6.5 when a project is opened - looks like the old one! Just refresh in RM and the new order should update.

And I have to agree, that important infos are missing in the Render Manager, like the estimated time (which often was useless though), etc.

For VR-Objects, I don’t get a preview pic in the RM, f.e. but you can still look them up in the temporary folder.
And to be fair, the VR-object render-time has been reduced immensely imho!

In general, the new RM interface (UI) needs some optimizing and fixing, but I really appreciate the stability of 6.5 now.



The biggest problem I have with the new Render Manager is this: Once a view has been rendered the .atla file remains loaded in the computers RAM. It then loads the next file in-line and so on. This results in the PC running out of RAM when many large files are rendered.

This happens on the host PC and all nodes connected to the network. HUGE PROBLEM !!



I don’t think what you said is true.
I have just tested the Render Manager (on Mac OS X 10.10) with 3 clients (Win7, Win10 & OS X 10.10) to render 10 views, each from a different atla file.
The clients memory usage changes, it increases and decreases depending on the size of the atla file.
I have checked that the file is unloaded from the client each time a new file is loaded to be rendered.

What is true is if you render more than one view of the same atla file then the atla file is kept in the client memory until a view from another file is being rendered.

Best regards,
Camille Sarrut

Hi Camille,

I am glad it works for you. In my case what I say is true. I have done a lot of tests with different files and run in to this problem.
Even when using only my own pc to render I get the RAM issue when using the Render Manager.

I have opened a ticket with support to try and get help.

The attached file will clearly illustrate my problem.

my problem is the render manager never starts…i have been using Atlantis for 15 years and have never had any problems
please see jpg for my screen shot

From the image, it appears you do not have a client computer set up. If that is the case, you need to install the client software on at least your computer and any others you want to use as nodes), and run it before running the Render manager. The render manager should then detect the client computer(s).

thank you where do I find the client software…i have no idea it’s different from artlantis 5

found the software and all is well thanks so much p :smiley:

It happens with me as well, the memory on the machines rendered does not clear.
I used 7 machines and it happened on all of them, it corrects itself If I restart the client on the machine.

this also happened to me. I haven’t used artlantis in a couple of days but i had the render manager still running from a batch of renders that I had done earlier in the week.

it was sitting there, doing nothing, using 875MB of memory.

EDIT: to say this happened with Render Client not Render Manager


It is the client that uses the memory. To release the memory, you need to quit the client not the Render Manager.
The Renderer.exe is an application started by the Client , it is deleted when you quit the Client.

Best regards,
Camille Sarrut
Abvent R&D

Would be great to see which box is being rendered by which client in the preview window. Also would be great to know what % each client contributed to the overall render of the image.

Thanks for the input, we will keep it as a wish for the next version.

Render Manager is not working correctely. In my opinion, is slower than rendering images immediately. Besides, sometimes it doesn´t work at all. So, for the moment, I render images one by one. And in spite of the fact that the result is very good, I really miss the velocity of Artlantis 5. Is very important to have images quicker.
Technical support told me to be pacient.


The Render Manager with more than one client should be faster then Artlantis to render.
Are you using more than one client ?

Artlantis 6.5 can be a little slower than Artlantis 5, but the result is better and more Realistic.
But you have to use the correct settings, to improve the rendering time.

Did you watch our videos explaining how to improve rendering times without loosing quality ?
Here is a link to the videos:

in french:
in english:

Best regards,

Thanks Camila for your response.
I use more than one client, but the dots are white, (not orange, showing they are working). I also refresh the clients, so as to let them share the process, but, nothing happens.
I really apreciatte the tutorials, I will take a look of them again.

Hello Nennius,

I do not understand your problem.
Did you set some views to be rendered (white dot) before starting the rendering ?
Could you post a screenshot of you Render Manager when the clients are not working although they should.

Did you watch the Render Manager video we have provided, to explain the use of RM ?
If not have a look at it :

Hello Camille:
In most of times, render Manager doesn’t´t work. Nothing happens. I´ve updated to, but as is was worst, I´ve again installed
This is a screen shot. I have 4 computers, but I understand, that is only one processing the renders.
What´s your advice?