shadow control

Hi, kvh :smiley:
Let me review a scene that is I am working
A similar situation occurred

Possibly the result of a high light intencidad
I do not remember whether to eliminate that effect, place the shade in 6 or 100, I’m not sure

Like let me check and I tell :wink:

Now an important detail, not all scenes can be treated the same, everything depends: materials, camera location, location and type of lights among other things.

… Very special must strike a balance between shutter and Iso … even more Render IN 3 because all values need to be increased; It is not balanced as Render IN 2

return soon
Thanks for sharing :sunglasses:

Hi, :smiley:
Ok back !,

perhaps this message must be in the section « Feedback »
If any moderator sees fit, thank you for change :wink:

Well, under a theoretical framework :wink:

Apparently the shadow effect can alter the end product of a render

Observe the points on the perimeter of light, some noise in the wall material
shadow 100

By decreasing the shade (6) the effect does not occur
If the material has some refletion and also a slight bump, the effect is accentuated

Right now, in my most recent tests (indoor scenes), I try to decrease the value of the shadow and apparently is giving the expected result.
Obviously, I’m designing lamps for Render IN 3

In this case lack proof of this theory, that is to render to see the result.

not if I’m wrong, but I’m looking recursor for this new update :unamused: :wink:

I hope it is useful for you :slight_smile:

Pd: developers, please, with all my respect; it is very necessary to achieve clarity in the preview, please, thanks :wink:

Hi, Enno :smiley:
I’m glad you find a viable response :sunglasses:

… And it is very appropriate you to share this information so that colleagues can test your solution.

In my case, I think the answer bears some similarity to your experience
develop a mixed lamp

  • In the upper area of a material with light emission, low intencidad
  • In the lower area (immediate) a point (focus) light, which can vary the angle
    the union of both is giving good results

to finish I put a great light plane, near the ceiling, emitting material with medium intensity, this substantially improves overall lighting.
… Apparently without affecting other materials
