Render Manager / Billboards

When I render with the render manager some of my billboards are facing the wrong way. Also I understand why we have to save an archive for the render manager, but why cant we have the old render manager as well it worked perfectly and we didn’t have to save an archive.


Also the render manager is not producing the same image as the normal renderer, especially when using the ambient slider. This makes the render manager useless.

Could you be more specific, the rendering should be the same, which ambiant slider did you use ?
Were you using transparency and ambiant simultaneously ?

I have attached a link to 2 images one with render manager and one normal render. The background image is an object with a photo on it. I have to increase the ambiance of the photo to make it bright enough. The render manager image is not displaying the change in ambiance of the photo. … 2.jpg?dl=0

Thank you for the image, now I can see what your problem is !
Could you attach the atla file zipped so I could try to reproduce the problem ?

Best regards,

I fixed the Billboard issue !
It will be available in the next release.

Best regards,

Hi When can we expect the new update?

Sorry, but we have not decided on a release date yet.

Could you send me your Artlantis file as an archive (i.e.: atla) concerning the issue « the render manager image is not displaying the change in ambiance of the photo », because I could not reproduce without it. Thanks