Problems with Rendering

I have struggled to get decent renderings since the last upgrade. I can’t for the life of me work out why this rendered image is so grainy. I have tried increasing the Heliodon output. I have tried increasing the sky power. Nothing seems to work. I also think that the sun orientation is not entirely correct. I have a south facing view yet it is often in shade in my views. In the Northern Hemisphere the south orientation should be mostly in the sun. I’d appreciate any suggestions. I used to be able to get really nice renderings with Artlantis but since the upgrade to 6.5… it’s a huge P.I.T.A. I am seriously looking to switch to Maxwell Render but I am on a Mac and I hear that they have problems with the Nvidia Video cards


Why do you set all rendering parameters to the maximum ? It should not be necessary…
You could watch the videos we have online to get some advice about rendering parameter setting:

About the grainy issue, it might be coming from the fact that you have set the Ambiant occlusion to 100cm and intensity 1, try something more realistic, you should be more satisfied…

About the sun position, could you post a screen shot of the sun position and North orientation in the 2D view , along with the screen shot of the Heliodon inspector and the preview, like the one I attach in this post.

It would help check what the problem could be.

Best regards,