Problem When Rendering Using an NVIDIA GeForce 940M Video Card

Hi, I’m having a problem, when rendering my model, if I set the computer to use the NVIDIA GeForce 940M Video Card as standard, the result is a bug on the screen, where it shows the rendering process, it is not see the stages and also the render time.
depending on how I set up the video card, the software, at the time of rendering, automatically locks and closes.
I would be grateful if anyone could help me with this case.


This is a known issue we have with Windows 10 and Nvidia graphic cards on laptops, since Windows 10 december update. (Artlantis 6.5 BUG - #4 par SvenQuasters)

Unfortunately we have not found how to fix it yet, but we are working on it.

As a work around, you can try to downgrade your graphic card driver.
You can find old drivers there:

You can also force Artlantis to use the internal graphic card instead of the Nvidia, it might get a little slow but it will work.

Best regards,

many thanks Camille, I will try the downgrade option, today I am using the graphics card of the
notebook itself but the rendering is extremely slow.
Best regards.


I do not think the rendering is slow because you are using the internal graphic card, because the final render uses only the CPU.
I would think it is more related to the rendering settings or the light or shader settings.

I think the bug with Nvidia is only a display on screen problem, at least for the final rendering window, the output image is correct, so you could try rendering with Artlantis and Nvidia graphic card active to see if the rendering is faster.

Best regards,


The driver downgrade did not work out, the problem persists, even downloading for a June 2017 version, I will check if the rendering time is less using the nvidia card even with this screen problem. Thank you very much, have a great week!

I have the exact same graphics card.
The latest working driver on my laptops is 382.05.

Hope this helps you?

Thanks SvenQuasters for the tip, I’m testing several possibilities, I’m going to test this drive
version that you indicated… have a great week!

Can someone who upgraded to ATL 7 confirm this issue is resolved?


Unfortunately no… We have had no help from Nvidia nor from Microsoft to solve this issue and we did not find another workaround…
Hopefully an update from either Windows10 or Nvidia might help…

Best regards,

This is disappointing, and something that will no doubt effect many people given the number of people who use these GPUs.

I’m a bit confused thought, and hoping this can this be looked into further as the ‹ fix › for Artlantis 7 is to roll back to an NVidia driver from September 2017 (or before), however my understanding is that 6.5 works quiet happily with more recent NVidia drivers. To me this suggests the issue has been introduced with 7, and can be addressed on the Abvent side??

PS the fix isn’t simply a case of rolling back the driver, you’ll find the issue returns the following day, and as a result you’ll have to update the driver to current, then roll back again… and repeat… every day you need to render. Not ideal for a market leading product.

The problem is still alive in ATL6.5 with more recent drivers.
For me, the problem started with ATL6.5.
You are correct about updating the driver and then roll back again, and again …

Sorry to disappoint you, but the bug was already in version 6.5, and we did not find a way to fix it.
It happened at the same time Microsoft updated Windows 10 and Nvidia updated its drivers. We are not the only ones having this issue. It seems to come from the fact that we are using WPF and the Microsoft .Net framework for the user interface.
We hope Nvidia or Microsoft will fix the issue with an update… In the meantime we still try to find a workaround…

Best regards,

This issue seems to be resolved with the latest Nvidia drivers.
Can someone confirm this?

Great news, just tested the latest driver… so far so good!

Automatically updating from device manager only installed one from June so I needed to manually download the latest one from the Nvidia GeForce website. ‹ GeForce Game Ready Driver - WHQL › (Version 399.07, released 27th August 2018).

Once installed device manager lists it as follows:

Driver Date: 21/08/2018
Driver Version:

This is great news indeed !
We are going to try for the other cards, or at least the ones we have at Abvent !

Thanks for sharing !

We have tested the new driver for the 980M, it works also !!