Office 1

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
A big hello to the family of Render IN
This is my new render with version 3.0.5

I hope you like
See you in the next :wink:

wow! and again - just perfect!!

how did you get this great uniform lighting?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
hello regi :wink:
First, I want to thank you for your recent post
excellent information :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

About the lighting, I think I still have some tweaking … intencidad light, color, ISO and shutter, seeking a balance sheet
… Equally to the light emission plane

Recent response as leave you initially do, here

But I think we are on track … learning every day a little more :wink:
A hug

Hi Pedro,

Good render, as always… :wink:
Could you please also to input how long you render for this scene? thanks


Hello vidy :smiley: :smiley:
that joy to read you again :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Ok!! on my machine; win7 ultimate 64, I7, 10GB RAM, Nvidia GT 540 M 1gb, rendering is achieved in 1 hour and 43 minutes

… But higher and tested on machines and I’m sure is achieved in 20, 25 minutes. :astonished:

I’m seriously thinking about buying a new machine, more powerful (Intel i7, 6700K, 16 ram, nvidia gtx 980 ti, 6GB) but in my country we have no dollars. :frowning: :confused: :cry:

… Dreaming costs nothing :wink:
A hug

Haiya Pedro…

I think the time is fair if you are render around 3500px , may i know on what resolution do you render that image?

Yes, it is quite a while… but i think i will be just watching you guys testing and see how this software develop, i will hanging in sketchup 2015 and Renderin V2, beside i am working on a laptop with lower spec than you.

Hey Pedro, keep dreaming… with the render output like you did, i am sure your dream will come true someday :wink:

Best Regards,

hello Vidy :smiley: :smiley:
The picture is not really big

I think time will produce the features of my machine :confused:

Rener IN 3 is slow if the machine is not powerful, but if we have a super-machine, the results are fast

This I confirmed with machines colleagues who have exelentes characteristics.
… We must also be remembered that, to Render IN lacks support, strength, reading scenes, heavy models and heavy textures.

but we have come a long way from Render IN 1, until today
… You know that, remember when we started? :wink:

Render IN 2, it is faster and the preview window is well defined, and no noise.

But I believe that developers will soon find the desired balance :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

about a new machine
Ok, Ok !!!, keep dreaming … someday, someday :wink: :unamused:

A hug

:smiley: :smiley:
by now, I´m just dreaming of Pedro´s great lighting skills :wink: and his results are worth every minute waiting !!!
By the way. even the scene itself is excellent! - the materials, the detailing…

Pedro, may I ask you for a favor?
could you please post (dropbox or 3dwarehouse for example) any simple « just a box »-dummy-room, completed with your great lighting concept method. So I / we could be able to check out, how you´ve done that.
So thanks in advance.

Especially for interiors, Render[IN] seems to be very strong. And even though I use very strong computers, the named render times above are not that unusual, at least for the other render plugin toos, which I use in addition - at least when some diffuse artificial lights come into play.
I know of only one exception which is Brighter3D - there is reduced one hour render time to roughly 10 minutes.
But there I have to press the stop button by myself when I think that the render is good enough - this method I do not like so much…

Regards, Regi

Hi Regi :smiley: :smiley:
How are you? I hope it’s ok :wink:

Ok!!! let’s see if I understand, your request
Remember, I am with google translator :confused:

You want to share the model office scene? … to observe the lighting parameters

or you want to prepare a small tutorial which is observed as the lighting is achieved?

In this case, it would be interesting to share the scene and make the tutorial
… For me, no problem, gladly, for that we are, to support each other. :wink:

The post lay it in the feedback section, to maintain order
Give me a chance and prepare everything, you stand up?


Hi Pedro :smiley: I´m using google translate as well

what I meant is - could you please share your model room with your used lightings ? (no detailings)
(for example by uploading it to the 3DWarehouse).
Than I/we could download it and look, how and what you have done to get that perfect light…

kind Regards & Thanks