Noise problem - URGENT

Hello I used to be an Artlantis user for many years. Few weeks ago I purchased Artlantis 7.0 in which I have serious problem concerning the final rendering procedure…Please do explain the cause of « noise » and pixelrate outcome rendering while using neon light or light plane. It seems that either the parameters are very complicated or the software has a problem. I have read other people suggestions and recomendations but the problem still exists! PLEASE give an answer to this problem as soon as possible.

Could you attach a screenshot of the rendering parameters used for the image with noise and the lighting setting (lights, neon, heliodon, HDRI)
If possible send us the file as zipped atla.

[size=150]I have the same problem. please help me.[/size]

I use version 6.5 and to get a clean render with minimum noise you must render a large size image like 5000px and make all settings maximum. This usually means overnight or several hours.

Also turn off ‹ enhanced background ›

Michael Lennie

thanks for your comment.
but This is not logical. There must be a way.
There must be a way to solve the problem.
Can anyone help?[/size]

With « enhanced background » on , it is important to set shadowquality (lights) to maximum and render a higher resolution image, (Michael Lenny already said) 3500 to 4500 should be ok,.
The other settings dont have to be set to maximum.
Try these settings and it should be a lot better:

This is a very good and important guide to understand all the rendersettings and their influence on renderingtime: … antis-6-5/

Important tip for example:
« Tip: Sampling lights at 5 is mandatory if you use the “enhanced background,” otherwise a setting of 3 is more than enough. »

First i have to say that i am impressed with the new 2019 Version. Some good improvements since V6.5, a lot of better new materials with normalmaps, some bugs fixed, more stable etc. the new lightsettig up to 6 removes grain a lot better for final renders.

I did some testing and found that the new « adaptative 4x Antialiasing » is even faster then without any Antialiasing checked,
but gives the worst grain in the « problemareas », even worse than without Antialiasing (see pictures below with AAsetting and rendertimes).
3x AA gives the best imagequality.

So it would be great to have the option to switch between the new and the old but much better 4x Antialiasing for best imagequality.
Quality sometimes is more important than rendertimes, at least for me. So please bring back the « real » 4x antialiasing.

Look at the examples to see what i mean:
(Rendersettings are the same for all images, see attached screenshot, lighting with HDRI map only)

Thanks for your feedback.
We are working on this option and should be able to make it available in the January hot fix.

In the meantime, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

Hi, the link doesn’t work. I’m new to renderings Could you please post another link?