How to use of Portal Shader and Portal Object in ATL 2020 ?

Is there any help/instructions coming from Abvent how to use the new Portal-shader and Portal-object? That would be very helpful.
And why are the Light Plane and Glass Lightplane shaders missing in 2020? These where very useful for me to control lighting of a indoor-scene.
Power of Light cannot be set anymore with Portalshader?

Also settings for the denoiser: how does this work exactly? Some examples with settings would help to understand what the settings do.

Thanks for a few hints :wink:


There is some documentation in Artlantis online help at … s_2020.htm

You can also watch the English Webinars, you can register here: … 8-72831549

If you understand French we also have French Webinars, you can register here: … 72c9430b36

Best regards,

Thank you for the info.

Bonjour Camille,
pouvez-vous me donner le lien du webinar pour les paramètres de rendus et les réglages de portal sur artlantis 2021 svp car le lien sur le post ne peut pas s’ouvrir à cause d’un problème de sécurité,
d’avance merci

Malheureusement, nous n’avons plus les webinar en ligne.
Mais, Il y a plusieurs vidéos sur notre chaine YouTube:
