converted billboards do not work

I have just upgraded from Artlantis 4 to 6. I have a problem with billboards which worked fine in 4 but look awful in 6 (after conversion) . Like diagonally dissappeared in half. You can see one half but the other one is invisible. Could you help me please? It is impossible for me to work without my billboards.
PS How do I upload a screen shot?


We have had customer with the same issue, but we did not know how they created a billboard with this issue.
Could you send me one of your billboard before conversion, it would help to fix the problem.

In the meantime there is a workaround : you need to explode the atlo file using « Artlantis Implode », it will create a folder containing an aof file and the BB texture.
You then need to fix the aof file and implode the folder to recreate the atlo+jpg object files.

To attach a file, you need to clic « attach file » beneath the send button, then « Add file » and choose a file. Or you can drag&drop the file in the text field.

Best regards,