Not sure wether I should post in this category, but I am testing Artlantis 6.5, and I face a major issue.
When I export from Sketchup 2016 ( or 2017), my perpsective views are empty, and the only thing I am able to see is parallel views. Even when I try to use a reference file, perspectives are still empty. Never had this problem with Artlantis 6.
Any ideas ?
Did anything change at this level ?
Thanks by advance.
Did you install the new Export Plugin ?
Yes I installed the Export PluGIn in Sketchup 2017 and 2016…
As a matter of fact, I now get the perpective view, but only when using a reference model (Open a a Art 6 file on Art 6.5, save it as a ref model in 6.5 file)
But in direct, exporting from Sketchup 2016 or 2017 → No perspective view
Mac or Windows ?
We don’t reproduce this problem…
What if you import the SKP file in Artlantis 6.5 ?
Windows 10, with 2 different PCs
Would you like a test file exported to see if you get the perspective view ?