Artlantis 2019.2.17649 update is available!

Dear Artlantis users,

A new update of Artlantis 2019 is available for download!
This update provides a number of improvements and updates the connectivity of Artlantis plugins.
Read the blog article to check out what’s new:

I’ve had a lot more crashes since I did this update, occasionally it does an autosave and I don’t have it on.

Regards Michael Lennie

Hello Michael,

the latest version is 2019.2.22044, released May 5, are you talking about this one ?


I’m not sure, I have Artlantis 2019 Release

Michael Lennie

Hello, If I try to open older files especially objects this version crashes. I’ve looked into upgrading to 2020 but because my serial number comes from beta testing I can’t unless I pay full price which at the moment is too expensive. Please advise me what to do?

Kind regards Michael lennie

Hello Michael,

On which platform are you working ? which OS version ?


After updating Artlantis 2019.2.22044, skp files (for example - 2017 or versions below 2020) open without textures (a folder with textures is not created).
In Artlantis 2019.2.21219 everything worked well and skp 2017 files opened with textures.
Check, please!

I have just checked with 2019.2.22044 on macOS 10.12 and the textures folder was created, and the textures where visible in the Material List.
On which platform and OS have you tested ?

Hi! OS - Windows 8.1 rus.

ok, I will try to test, but I don’t think we have Windows 8 available in the office…

Artlantis_2020.2.22042 also stopped creating a folder with textures when importing skp files. When importing a skp, it says that no textures were found … Artlantis version 2020.2.21736 good opens the skp and creates a folder with textures. Apparently the error began to replicate with you when you update Artlantis 2019 and Artlantis 2020 when working in Windows 8.1 rus.

Please correct this problem with Russian letters in the path to the imported skp files!

I found the error - If the path to the file has Russian letters (for example - D: \ Для Artlantis \ 3G Новая папка), then the folder with textures in Artlantis 2020.2.22042 and Artlanis 2019.2.22044 is not created.
If the path to the file is changed to Latin letters (for example, D: \ For Artlantis \ 3G New folder), then a folder with textures in Artlantis 2020.2.22042 and Artlanis 2019.2.22044 is created and the files are opened.
Previous versions of Artlantis 2020.2.21736 and 2019.2.21219 did not have this problem.
Please correct this problem with Russian letters in the path to the imported skp files!

Hello Digipi,

Thanks for finding the workaround for this issue, we will fix it.
Are you working on Windows or Mac ?

Hi! OS Windows…