Architect Camera

Hi All
rather than RENDER[IN]´s « Architect Camera » option, wouldn´t it make more sense to use SU´s native
two point perspective for this kind of rendering?

Please do not misunderstand me - the « Architect Camera » option is good for itself and certainly sufficient for many tasks.
But to synchronize or match RENDER[IN]´s rendering view with SU’s two point perspective view gives more options for post pro.
For example to use a SU’s hidden line render for combining it with the rendered picture in Photoshop or Gimp…

Regards, Regi

Unfortunately, Sketchup doesn’t send us the right information for this

Oh - that is a pity - anyway thanks for your reply!
but please stay tuned to this topic…


… just a question combined with a suggestion

SketchUp can not transfer the right two point perspective data to Render[IN] - So let us think reversed :wink:

Since the synchronization of the rendered views - even Render[IN]´s Architect Camera views - with the native Skup views are so important, have you checked whether you can export your Architect Camera view to SketchUp as a new SketchUp Scene?

as always I made a sketch-dummy-picture about this idea.
For this purpose, also an extra plugin-tool might be the right solution and to be clear: I would pay for such a tool…

kind Regards, Regi