A serious bug in render


I have a serious problem.

I send my files to the render app. And start them, it proceeds to render and goes through all the motions of doing the render. It then shows a green tick, however when I goto to look at the file it does not exist!

I have had this happen a couple of times, today 7 renders were apparently done, but only two actually have files the other 5 do not exist!

Very frustrating.

This is strange…
Did you look in the correct folder ?
Could you attach the Render Manager log that was created when you had this issue.
Could you also attach a screen shot of the Render Manager Window.
What kind of rendering was not saved ? Still Image, Panorama, VR Object, Animation ?

Best regards,

Hi I think I will need to wait till it happens again. I clicked the little icon on the image, it loads photoshop but thats it, no image.

In the folder is supposed to be, nothing is there

Which format did you try to render ? PSD ?
If so, could you try to render to jpg ?